Sumayya Akhter
3 min readJun 2, 2021

The Sacred Mosque Al-Quds

Utmost respect and never-ending love of sacred mosque Al-Aqsa is the spiritual and religious instinct of every Muslim. of Muslim Ummah. Love and respect for their sacred mosque units Muslim’s throughout the world and makes them come off as an imperishable force

Since the Al-Aqsa mosque was the first center of Muslim Ummah, they take the effects to have a spiritually loving and respectful connection with the blessed mosque.

During the last days of Ramadan, Israel unleashed a brutal massacre on unsuspecting Muslim Palestinian worshippers in the AL-Aqsa mosque and sieged the entire area of Shiekh Jarrah and the west bank of the Gaza strip.

The severe conflict lasted eleven days. According to media reports issued by the Gaza health ministry, about 250 Palestinian lives were lost including 56 children and 39 women during the violence commenced by Israel.

An armistice has been scheduled between Israel and Palestine due to the constant pressure applied by several countries and countless protests taking place all over the world but Palestine’s current setting is far from peaceful, Israel is assaulting the worshipers with rubber guns and tear gas, and arresting them. After the ceasefire, bombing has stilled but the inhumane antics of Israel are being carried out as worst as they have been since 1948.

During this conflict social media was stormed with the images of Al-Aqsa mosque, the consecrated Mosque’s images shared by media outlets and individuals were with the gold-plated Dome, while there is a smaller, Grey dome of another mosque situated right next to it.

The area’s geography tells us that there are two mosques, the Holy Mosque Al-Aqsa and the second mosque (Masjid-e-Sakhra). They both are located next to each other. Masjid -e-Sakhra was built by Umayyad Abd Al-Malik, it is the monument of Muhammad’s PBUH divine journey during the night to Palestine. and also represents the visit of the Muslim Caliph Umar bin Khattab to conquer the Al-Aqsa mosque during his era.

As for an unpopular fact, it is acknowledged that The Gold-plated dome of Masjid-e-Sakhra caught the eyes of tourists and it became known as Masjid Al-Aqsa when the real Al-Aqsa is the next to it.

The history of this majestic mosque recounts that Al-Aqsa has been reassembled multiple times throughout the years by different rulers. It was originally built by Prophet Jacob (A.S) and reconstructed by Prophet Sulaiman (A.S) along with the construction of Haikal-e-Sulaimani. With the flow of time, the ancient mosque was renovated by several different Caliph and kings.

To shed some light on Al-Aqsa importance within the Muslim community, according to Abu Darda (R.A) Prophet Muhammad said,

“A prayer in Makkah (Ka’bah) is worth 1000,000 times (reward), a prayer in my Masjid (Madinah) is worth 1,000 times, and a prayer in Al-Aqsa Sanctuary is worth 500 times more reward than anywhere else”


To conclude, Al-Aqsa always has been and always will be one of the greatest historic treasures of Muslims and its calling will never fail to unite the entire ummah under the same flag despite their differences and insecurities. Also, the less known fact about Al-Aqsa’s real identity must be told. This historic landmark has seen several generations pass under its shade and has witnessed several miracles, and now that it calls for help, every Muslim man and woman must answer and rise for the sake of this divine mosque.

May Allah grant us the privilege to defend it till our last breath. Ameen

Sumayya Akhter

Mass communication is my subject and my passion, I am blessed with writing skills, I can write blog, fiction and article of any topic